Today is the start of Dementia Action Week and it runs until 22nd May.
Dementia Action Week is Alzheimer's Society's biggest and longest running awareness campaign. Each year, they work with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’. This year’s theme is diagnosis.
Why have the Alzheimer’s Society chosen diagnosis as this year’s theme?
With dementia diagnosis rates falling to a five-year low, the Alzheimer’s Society have conducted research to understand the key barriers and benefits to getting a diagnosis so they can help encourage those who might be living with undiagnosed dementia to come to look for guidance and support and feel empowered to take the next step.
The research found that the misconception around memory loss just being part of getting old, being in denial and referral times to specialists are the biggest barriers for those experiencing symptoms to seek a diagnosis.
The Alzheimer’s Society want to encourage those who might be living with, or close to someone who might be living with, with undiagnosed dementia to:
- be able to understand and recognise potential dementia symptoms
- come to them for guidance and support
- feel empowered to take the next step
- improve the diagnosis process for both them and healthcare professionals.
Why is a dementia diagnosis so important?
Getting a diagnosis of dementia can give people a better understanding of the condition and what to expect. Timely diagnosis can help the person recently diagnosed make important decisions about their treatment, support and care.
Often, people may have been living with memory problems or other symptoms for some time and their memory problems may have developed very gradually, so it can be harder for them to recognise. Usually, close friends, loved ones and/or relatives see these changes first.
People may dread a diagnosis or think that a diagnosis won’t help but the problems are still worth investigating and healthcare professionals are always there to support people recently diagnosed with Dementia.
Speaking to a GP is a positive and important step as there is lots of help and support available for people living with dementia.
Support for people living with dementia and their carers in Stoke-On-Trent
In Stoke-on-Trent, Stoke-On-Trent City Council have worked with their partners to improve services and support for people living with dementia and their carers. Stoke-on-Trent Joint Dementia strategy was developed by Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Stoke-on-Trent Clinical Commissioning Group in partnership with health, voluntary and community organisations.
With access to the right support, treatment and care; people can live well with dementia.
A list of support services can be found below:
For further information about Dementia Support Services in Stoke-On-Trent including resources for young-onset dementia and Dementia Friends click here.
Support to continue to live safely and independently in your own home
If you are living with dementia and you are looking for help and support to continue to live safely and independently in your own home, then please call our friendly home care team for a chat today.
We offer a range of support services including personal care, waking nights, live in care and a range of further services such as companionship, cooking, cleaning, help with shopping, social activities and access to the community including medical appointments. Our wellbeing teams provide high quality, person-centred care in the community, focussing on what matters most to you!